Why Us

When you suffer a medical condition or injury that affects your ability to work or undertake your everyday living activities, whether it arises from a motor vehicle accident, workplace injury, medical malpracticethe fault of another, or for whatever reason, you want to ensure that you have the best personal injury lawyers handling your case.

We understand you want the best personal injury lawyers on your case

We at Palmers Compensation Lawyers understand this. We recognize that the compensation you receive from your personal injury claim will be needed to help support yourself and those closest to you into the future and you need to ensure your legal representation has the experience, expertise and commitment to achieve the best possible result for your claim.

Whilst there are many reasons why you should choose Palmers Compensation Lawyers to handle your injury compensation or insurance claim, one of the main reasons is because we do understand this, and we approach every claim we run on the very basis of this understanding.

When answering the question of, “Why us?”, we can tell you that we offer you the following services:

  • Specialisation in all aspects of personal injury claim;
  • Our legal services are provided on a No Win No Fee basis with no upfront costs;
  • Free initial consultations; and
  • Home and hospital visits.

But there are many other firms out there that will tell you they too offer these very same services.

What sets us apart from the rest

What we consider sets us apart from other personal injury law firms, is the experience and expertise we bring to your case, the empathy we have with our clients and their situation afforded by this experience, and the increased services we provide to our clients because we actually do appreciate their circumstances & the trust they place in us:

  • Experience & Expertise in Personal Injury Claims:  Palmers Compensation Lawyers was established and is headed up by Toni Palmer, a Senior Lawyer, expert in personal injury claims. The personal injury services we provide are founded upon this experience and expertise.In her experience, Toni has handled all manner of accident and injury compensation claims of varying size and complexity, and is an experienced personal injury trial lawyer. She has also published articles on the law of personal injuries, including, the claim process, case decisions in the area, and the rights of injured Queenslanders to injury compensation. She continues to regularly publish articles on the subject.You can read more about our Principal at the following link: Our Principal & Founder
  • We offer you our services on a 24/7 basis:  This means that we will always be there for you when you need us, day or night. This is a unique legal service we provide and it is a service we are sincere in providing. If you have a query to ask about your case at 3am, then you can contact us on 1300 388 383, or via  Livechat, email ,or an enquiry form on our website, and put your query to a Personal Injury Expert.  If during your claim, you are limited to speaking to us outside 9 to 5 business hours, then we will be there for you.

    We offer this service to our clients because accidents are not just limited to business hours, and neither is the worry that is normally associated with debilitating injury. We will always be there for you when you need us, from your initial enquiry and throughout your case.

  • We empathize with our clients & understand the stresses associated with suffering injury & pursuing personal injury claims: We approach our role as personal injury lawyers not as a 9 to 5 job or business, but as a very important service we provide to those suffering injury in our community. It is our role to ensure that our clients are properly compensated for the loss and damage they have sustained from their injuries, and are protected for the future, and we take this role very seriously.

    We understand the stress that many clients experience when bringing a personal injury claim. We try to relieve this stress as much as possible by keeping clients informed throughout their case and explaining the process to them in clear and simple terms, so they are fully aware of their entitlements, what they need to do to protect their claim and what to expect during their personal injury claim. Having this knowledge is empowering to clients and we find it greatly helps  reduce the stress of the claim process for them.

    We also understand the financial pressures that our clients so often experience during their personal injury claims, because they have been unable to work or have a reduced work capacity due to their injuries. We provide our clients with options available to them, to help with these financial stressors during their claims, and to help relieve them of this burden.

  • We recognize that your claim is as individual as you are:  Not all personal injury claims are the same. Every personal injury claim is as individual as the person who brings it. This is because everyone’s circumstances are not the same and people react to injury differently.

    This is why we restrict the number of claims we take on annually, to ensure that your claim is given the individual attention it deserves to achieve the right result for you.

  • Our focus is on getting YOU the right result: We want you to walk away from your claim, feeling that you have achieved the best possible result for YOU – not us ! We do this by keeping you fully & properly informed about your case, including the strengths and weaknesses of your claim. And when any offers of settlement are made during your case, we advise you of what that offer means to you in your hand, and whether proceeding to the next stage of your case will be likely to result in a higher in-hand amount to you, when additional legal costs are taken into account.

    In other words, we advise you of the “Commerciality” of every offer made during your claim. Proceeding with your case may be good for us because we will achieve higher legal costs, but it may not be good for you. We advise you of all of this, so YOU get the best outcome for your case.

  • Streamlining Claims: We try to make the claim process as streamlined, convenient and unobtrusive for our clients as possible, by using the latest technology to communicate with them and obtain their instructions, and by being pro-active in the progression of their claim. We can undertake your claim for you using post, email and telephone contact, so you don’t even have to visit our offices during your claim, unless you want to do so.

    We understand that achieving the earliest resolution of your claim for the right result and with the least inconvenience, is very important to you.

  • Our Professional Fee Guarantee:   We undertake all claims on a No Win No Fee basis, with no upfront costs. This means you only pay us for the work we do on your case, at the end of your claim when you receive compensation, and only if you receive compensation.  However, Palmers Compensation Lawyers also provide you with the guarantee that our fees will never be more than what you achieve in your hand from your compensation result.

Let us help you achieve the right result for your claim – contact us today

But don’t just listen to us, view testimonials by clicking on the following link: Testimonials

Palmers Compensation Lawyers are Personal Injury Claim Experts

We specialise in all aspects of personal injury claim including, motor accident injury claims, workplace injury claims, medical negligence claims, and claims arising from the negligent and wrongful acts of another.  We also undertake claims for injury & disability insurances, including Total & Partial Permanent Disability claims.

If you have been injured in some way or suffer a medical condition that affects your ability to work, then you may have an injury compensation or insurance claim.  We can advise you as to whether you do have a valid claim to pursue and what your compensation and insurance entitlements are.

CALL US on 1300 388 383, Livechat with us, or email us on admin@nowinnofeepilawyers.com.au with your enquiry. You can also submit a FREE Instant Case Appraisal by clicking on the link here or via any one of our Request forms on our website.